Be Prepared...

The thrill of a brand new, empty slate when I first walked into my classroom was unbelievable.  All the Pinterest ideas I had pinned over the last few years while in college all came rushing back to my mind.  I could not wait to get on the computer and "Pinterest" up my classroom.  I worked tirelessly for the few days leading up to Meet the Teacher to have the perfect classroom. 

This board awaited the fabulous writing my students would be doing.

Here I stretched material across the top half of my windows which would be used to
showcase student work as well as motivational posters and other important items.

This bulletin board and small bookshelf would be used to motivate my students to be readers
and they would all fight for the coveted books I would place on this bookshelf!

I had amazing help getting everything perfect.

Right before Meet the Teacher, my name was proudly displayed on my door
for all to know what classroom I would be in.

The stark realization hit me when it came time for Meet the Teacher and not one student or adult who entered my classroom commented on how it was decorated or got excited that I had a place to display their hard work or even cared that the bookshelf would hold the most awesome books out there for them to read.  The question on everyone's mind and voiced by each of them was "what will you offer my child to help them be successful in third grade?" 

WHAT?  I hadn't prepared for that.  I didn't know questions like that would be asked.  I thought it was all about the classroom decor and comfortable environment...boy was I wrong. 

Now, those things definitely help make the environment rich for learning but they are not what makes the learning happen. 

The first lesson I learned that night was to be prepared for the unexpected.  Be prepared to engage their prepared to help them be prepared to teacher because when the water hits the wheel and the first day of school happens, that is really all that matters.

Does my classroom look cute...YES!!  Does it engage their learning...SOME OF IT!!  Does it help them be successful...NOT REALLY!!  Does it make me feel more comfortable so I can be a better teacher...YES IT DOES!!  Would I do it again...PROBABLY NOT TO THE EXTENT...but I would work hard to make my classroom engaging and focused on my students learning!

Let the learning begin...

For a few years now I have followed a group of bloggers who, every October, blog for 31 days about a particular topic that is near and dear to them at the time.  Every year, as time approaches, I always make plans to participate and something always hinders me from following through.

As October 1st got closer and closer, I began to struggle again with wanting to participate but didn't want to start something I wasn't sure I would finish but something deep inside told me to go for here I am.

I have started my blog, am writing this post to introduce you to my topic, and will, in a few short minutes, link this post up with more than 1200 other bloggers who are on the same journey.  Will I make it all 31 days...I sincerely hope so!

So as I thought about what I could spend 31 days writing about, I decided to look at what I was walking through right now in my life.  August 15th started my first year as a new teacher.  I have taught in the past, either subbing or while in college getting my degree, but this would be my first opportunity at a full year in my own classroom with my own babies!  The journey so far has been an uphill struggle but I have seen small lights beginning to flicker on in the eyes of my students and it makes every uphill climb worth it.  So, the idea for my 31 days of writing was born...31 days in the life of a new teacher!

Every day in my classroom is a new day of learning for me and I look forward to sharing that with you as you follow along with me on my journey.  Some of my ideas for posts include:
  • what I have learned through professional development opportunities
  • what I have learned through reading
  • what I have learned through planning
  • what I have learned through my babies
  • and so much more...
I look forward to having you join me on this journey.  Come back here every day for the link to the days post and to catch up on any posts you might have missed and let's walk this journey together!

  • October 1 - Be Prepared...
  • October 2
  • October 3
  • October 4
  • October 5
  • October 6
  • October 7
  • October 8
  • October 9
  • October 10
  • October 11
  • October 12
  • October 13
  • October 14
  • October 15
  • October 16
  • October 17
  • October 18
  • October 19
  • October 20
  • October 21
  • October 22
  • October 23
  • October 24
  • October 25
  • October 26
  • October 27
  • October 28
  • October 29
  • October 30
  • October 31

Happy journeying...